
Panic! in the kitchen

I don’t quite know what happened. It arrived so suddenly, and I wasn’t expecting it.

That’s how it goes, I suppose. That’s why it’s called an attack.

I remember my first real panic attack. I had just started a job at the floral counter of a local grocery chain the summer before junior year of college. My first job. Real job, anyway. I know what you’re thinking: you got your first job at 20 years old? Yes. I know. But I was trying to figure out how to function, how to make money to pay the rent and the bills. And I was very bad at this job.

I was in the shower before my evening shift, and my head felt odd. Light. Heavy. Unbalanced. I couldn’t breathe, and the hot water was drowning me. I sat down and cried. A panic attack.

I used to sit in my car before work, in that hot parking lot, holding back tears from running down my reddening cheeks. I’d clock in, and I’d drag myself back to the floral counter and hope no one needed anything. Sometimes they did. Most times they didn’t. And sometimes I’d get lucky and I’d get to help out the guys in the produce section, restocking tomatoes and reorganizing the pre-made bagged salads. Safe from hard questions and impossible requests I wasn’t trained to handle.

The next phase of panic attacks arrived after I broke up with my first real boyfriend. There’s too much to say here, but suffice it to say: it was extremely toxic, and it left me shattered. I started running, lacing up my old tennis shoes, pulling on slightly too small elastic shorts, and letting those endorphins take over for a little while. At least when it felt like I couldn’t breathe, it was because I was doing something. Anything.

Time went on. I survived college. I found myself. Yada yada.

Enter a stable, committed relationship. Enter the person-my person-who would work to understand me, and lift me up, and ask me good questions. Enter Brandon. He makes me feel safe and good. He makes me feel loved and accepted. We’ve created a safe haven, the two of us.

This past year has truly been a trying time, and I’ve had to work extra overtime to make sure my mental and emotional well-being is okay. And I’ve mostly succeeded, but boy, does anxiety know how to take you by surprise. I’ve been doing all the right things this week: I’ve eaten veggies every day, I’ve worked out consistently, and I’ve been meditating before I go to sleep. But tonight, another panic attack swept me off my feet, and it was a doozy. I could feel the blood rush from my head, out to my limbs. My throat closed up, and I couldn’t swallow. My cheeks flushed. My heart started racing and I couldn’t hear anything except the pounding.

I’m afraid to be home alone sometimes. I’m scared I’ll be eating too quickly, and I’ll start to choke. I’m scared that I won’t have read the label on the food I’ve just cooked up, and I didn’t see one of my allergens labeled there in the ingredients list. I’m scared I’ll be reaching for something at the top of the closet, leaned out from the step stool, and my foot will slip. Intrusive thoughts. They come from my anxiety, I know this. It’s hard not to listen.

But Brandon. He sat me down, handed me a glass of water, and guided me through my breaths.

I’m scared to be alone, but having a partner who listens makes it easier.



What is it about starting a new year that gives such incredible clarity?

At the end of December, I was feeling so overwhelmed with finances and career decisions. But now that I’m on the other side of sun’s revolution around the earth, I suddenly have a plan and a clear mind. My savings account has finally passed over into the 4-digit mark. My life feels like it has a direction. I’ve been researching and have found an affordable workout program. And I’ve signed up for a 6-week ceramics workshop that I know is going to jumpstart my creativity again.

I feel like all this pressure has been taken away from me.

Now I just have to figure out how to keep this momentum going…



I kind of let my blog fall to the wayside here the last 2 months of 2017. I could make excuses that I had a lot going on, I was busy most of the time, and it was hard trying to find a moment to dedicate to writing twice a week.

But the truth is, I let it fall from the top of my priority list.

So I’m going to do my best to keep writing, no matter what that looks like. Maybe just once a week. Maybe keep it twice a week. But I don’t want to let this space disappear if I can help it.

It may just be me shouting into the proverbial void, but it’s a place for me to work through hard things and record important events in my life.

So here’s to 2018 and more writing.


Rainy days

Rainy days are for coffee shops in the morning. They’re for warm croissants and hot tea. They’re for secretly wearing your comfiest pants that don’t completely look like pajamas, and are therefore socially acceptable for wearing out in public. They’re for headphones on, listening to your perfectly cliche rainy day playlist.

Rainy days are for reading that book you’ve been putting off because it never seemed like a good time to sit down and read. They’re for big comfy blankets. They’re for your most embarrassing wool socks. They’re for candles and leaving off all the lights in the house.

Rainy days are for leaving the curtains open. They’re for turning the TV on to your favorite sitcom and watching for hours. They’re for taking up the whole couch. They’re for your cat to curl up next to you as you fall asleep.


Anniversaries and After

This weekend recently marked the first full year since my grandmother has been gone.

I keep seeing little signs of her. Mostly hummingbirds. They were her favorite, and they’ve been popping up everywhere I look. I saw one in the form of a hand-felted ornament, and I brought her home with me. She watches over my bedside table now.

I’ve seen her in my apartment. I have a gorgeous hand mirror that used to belong to her, and occasionally, I’ll hold it up and swear I might have seen her reflection instead of mine.

Some of her earrings hang up on the bathroom wall, and sometimes I catch her gently putting them on, a glint of gold in the incandescent light.

Her old wooden spoon feels warm in my hand as I stir bread dough in the kitchen, and I can hear her voice above me, guiding me through her cheese biscuit-making lessons.

As I was sorting through a stack of old birthday cards, congratulations, and letters, I came across a little envelope with my name spelled out in slanting capital script. As I pulled out the contents, I found a recipe in my grandmother’s hand, a small newspaper clipping, and a short note. Signed Grammy. With oodles and boodles and forty kidoodles of love.

Each time I remember her is another moment I have to heal. The ache always requires healing. Every single time. I know it will never end.

But I don’t want it to. The ache is what I have left.



I love Asheville. I love the smallness and the bigness. I love the local scene. I love the mountains and the neighborhoods. I love all the houses. I love the art.

I just had the chance to take the boyfriend here on his first trip to this beautiful city, and since we only had one full day to see everything, we did…everything.

  • Battlecat Coffee
  • Firestorm Books
  • Whist
  • Flora
  • River Arts District
  • White Duck Taco Shop
  • Battery Park Book Exchange and Champagne Bar
  • Asheville Bee Charmer
  • Malaprops
  • French Broad Chocolate Lounge
  • Rosetta’s Kitchen and Buchi Bar
  • Downtown Books and News
  • Urban Orchard Cider Co.

9.1 miles, 19,394 steps later, and we are exhausted. But so happy. The highlights were definitely Flora (a flower shop that doubles as a tea room and coffee shop), White Duck (the tacos were amazing and the line to order was super quick), Downtown Books (an incredible and affordable collection of books and zines with a friendly staff), and Urban Orchard (nothing like local hard cider to end the day).

We booked a room through Airbnb at this perfect West Asheville house. The owner has been very nice, but we haven’t seen her much. We kept passing her on the way in and out while we were there. Her neighborhood is less than a mile walk from Battlecat, and the weather this weekend was perfect for seeing the sights. I swear everyone here has a vegetable garden planted in their front lawn, and the houses are all dripping in character.

We spent the morning in West Asheville and the evening downtown. I’d say, we did a pretty good job covering all the bases while getting a good feel for the city. I don’t want to leave!


Autumn Bucket List

  1. Appreciate the leaves changing color
  2. Invest in more linen clothing (some may say that’s a summer thing but I say who cares)
  3. Listen to more podcasts (and pretend I’m in Southern France)
  4. Bake a pumpkin pie
  5. Find fresh hazelnuts (ideally for the pie, but probably just for myself)
  6. Try all the pastries at my new favorite (local) bakery (4 down, so many more to go)
  7. Go on more hikes
  8. Attempt a sourdough bread recipe
  9. Listen to Nick Drake’s whole repertoire (Pink Moon anyone?)
  10. Buy more wool socks

Changing the routine

The place where I work has a very tumultuous schedule. My boss tries to give us something set in stone, but there are new people cycling in constantly, and my days off are never the same. I may have Monday and Saturday off one week, and that could change to Tuesday and Wednesday the next. And yet, even this small variety feels like a cycle.

Each evening is always a quick exchange of:

“What do you want for dinner?”

“I don’t know… I guess we should run by the grocery store.”

“Want to go on another bike ride tonight?”

“Yeah! Want to watch another episode of that new show tonight?”


And the things that we do are certainly not dull. Or bad. But they are usually the same. I have come to appreciate routine and constancy. I love coming home at the end of every day to the same person, the same cat, the same kitchen with the same food in the fridge. I could eat (and have eaten) the same breakfast of fried eggs and toast with strawberry jam each morning, with a cup of hot water and lemon to drink.

But there’s also something to be said for changing the pace a little. For trying something new in the evening after another long day at the same job.

The other night, the boyfriend and I went to our local indie movie theatre. They play a lot of movies that don’t run in the popular film circuit (think My Neighbor Totoro over the new Avengers movie), so we try to keep up with the films they’re showing because there’s usually something new we haven’t heard of or something we’ve been meaning to watch that definitely won’t be at the other theatres. We recently watched The Big Sick there and loved it!

So the night before last, we did a quick search and saw the film Lucky was showing, and after reading a brief synopsis and checking Rotten Tomato’s review, we decided to give it a try, and we were not disappointed. It was a sweet film with a very likable main character named Lucky on a journey of spiritual self discovery, grappling with the realities of age and loneliness. It reminded me a lot of my own grandfather, so it was an immediate success with me. With minimal dialogue and no action scenes, it caters more towards someone looking for an introspective film.

Changing our usual evening routine was as simple as picking the movies over a bike ride down our favorite greenway, but I think it made a big difference. The boyfriend and I have both been feeling like our routine had gotten in the way of our own enjoyment, so it was a nice reminder that it doesn’t take a lot to switch things up a little.


My October Reading List

I’m sure you all have noticed that I love books. And ever since I got my library card, I’ve been reading a lot of new books, particularly ones that I probably never would have picked up at a book store. This all stems from the majority of the conversations I’m having these days – about future plans and how I can make those dreams into a reality starting small and starting now. I envision a healthier, more holistic lifestyle for myself.

So I thought I’d share some of the books I’ve been reading because they make a lot of sense to me, and it’s been refreshing seeing my thoughts written out in someone else’s words. Like I’m not the only person who is questioning the things I’ve been told and taught. I promise I’m not one of those “crunchy, granola hippies.” I just want to be able to support my local community and in turn, supplement my own well being in a way that I can feel good about.

  • The Roots of My Obsession: Thirty Great Gardeners Reveal Why They Garden, edited by Thomas C. Cooper
  • Farmacology: Total Health from the Ground up, by Daphne Miller
  • Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper, by C. Marina Marchese
  • Compost this Book!, by Thomas Christopher and Marty Asher
  • The Wildlife Garden: Planning Backyard Habitats, by Charlotte Seidenberg
  • The Backyard Homestead, edited by Carleen Madigan
  • Herbal Tea Gardens, by Marietta Marshall Marcin